Member-only story
1- People who try to differentiate between Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
They’re the same fuck’n thing. Okay, if you squint your eyes hard enough, you may notice some differences, but trust me, nobody cares. It’s like people differentiating between England and Great Britain. It’s the same fuck’n thing. Maybe people living on that freaky island care to differentiate, but anybody living elsewhere doesn’t fuck’n care. And by the way, the fact that they call their country great makes it hard for me to take any other naming they come up with seriously.
2- People who watch too many sci-fi movies
Science fiction is cool. But you have to understand that every movie needs a plot. No one will watch a movie where AI works fine, serves all human needs and everyone lives happily ever after. That’s a lame movie. Movies need to have killer robots and AI that grows smarter than humans and enslaves them. But if you are a grownup person and you think that my gradient boosting algorithm will enslave you one day, then you better…